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5 Variables to Scale Kettlebell Partner Passing

Writer's picture: Kettlebell Partner PassingKettlebell Partner Passing

If you think Kettlebell Partner Passing is a one trick pony, youā€™re missing the big picture. The Two Hand Pass alone has countless variables that can be adjusted to increase the challenge and enhance the benefits. Thatā€™s without even mentioning the additional variables that can be adjusted to create a virtually limitless number of passing options.

To get the most out of Kettlebell Partner Passing, or any training program for that matter, you need to know what variables are scalable and how to scale them. In this article, we share five scalable variables to help you increase or decrease the difficulty of your passing practice.

The 5 KPP Variables

  1. Kettlebell Weight. One of the most obvious ways to scale KPP is to adjust the kettlebell weight. A light bell is best for most people, particularly beginners, and is ideal for freestyle partner passing. However, once partners have established the skills, trust, and connection, they can challenge their strength by using heavier kettlebells.

  2. Distance Between Partners. Increasing the distance between partners is more challenging on the body as well as technique. The kettlebell has to be launched further, and turned in accordance with the distance itā€™s being passed, so the handle gets to the receiver on time. Decreasing the distance between partners is challenging in its own way, as the kettlebell must be handled more delicately and partners must trust in one anotherā€™s skills.

  3. Toss Height. Low passes are more efficient, as well as safer for beginners. Low passes are used for many passing variations, especially longer bouts of passing. High passes, on the other hand, are more taxing than low passes, and are used to get a training effect geared towards power. High passes are used in double kettlebell passing drills, when one bell must pass over the other, or while playing games such as ā€œvolleybellā€ (itā€™s exactly what it sounds like), that challenge strength, grip, and coordination.

  4. Number of Hands on the Kettlebell. Two hands gripping the kettlebell is the foundational way to begin passing. Adding any of the variables from 1-3 above to the Two Hand Pass can scale its difficulty to suit your needs. It is highly recommended to spend a significant amount of time with two hands on the bell handle before working on one hand passing. One hand passing is more difficult than two hand passing because it becomes asymmetrical, challenging the balance of strength on each side of the body and requiring each hand to be equally proficient. Conversely, passing with two hands on the bell allows the strong side to pick up the slack. One hand passing can also be done outside the body, which increases the number of possible passes and scales up the difficulty.

  5. Number of Kettlebells. Passing with a single kettlebell is the easiest place to begin, as all the focus and attention is directed at one thing. When two kettlebells are passed, that focus must heighten and split between two bells, increasing the difficulty. Either both partners toss a bell at the same time, or one partner tosses both bells; each presents unique challenges. When three kettlebells are passed, with one partner tossing two and the other partner tossing one, both partners must be completely in sync and able to switch from passing one bell to two seamlessly. Eventually, ā€œquad bellā€ is unlocked, meaning each partner tosses two bells. Double the weight is being tossed, and there are four bells to track ā€” thatā€™s no easy feat.


Now that you are versed in the variables you can use to scale the difficulty of Kettlebell Partner Passing, itā€™s time to practice!

Check out this in-depth article on the Two Hand Pass and get your body prepared to pass with the Kettlebell Solo Foundations program.

If you really want to do a deep dive, sign up for the KPPremium monthly membership.

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