Britt's Brutal Battle
I hadn’t an inkling of what lay ahead of me when I stepped up to begin the hour of Kettlebell Partner Passing...
Britt's Brutal Battle
Post Pandemic Healing with KPP
The KPP Hour Test
4 Variables for Kettlebell Partner Passing Possibilities
Low vs. High Passes in Kettlebell Partner Passing®
5 Variables to Scale Kettlebell Partner Passing
3 Reasons Why Women Excel at Kettlebells
3 Breathing Drills for Better Movement
Equipment and Environment for KPP
The Truth about KPP and Back Health
Good Passes Lead to Harmonious Relationships
Who is Kettlebell Partner Passing for?
The Big Picture for KPP
The Kettlebell Partner Passing® Path to Follow
What Type of Kettlebell for KPP?
Why We Double High Five
Kettlebell Partner Passing 101: The Two Hand Pass
Communication: The Key to Connection
Beyond Kettlebell Basics